Pecsa Analytical offers a full range if FTIR & Infra red accessories, the most common analytical technique in the Petrochemical & Plastics fields. Typical applications would include identification of unknown materials using simple Liquid cells or HATR in conjunction with Spectral databases, quantitative analysis of solvent and polymer blends, and quantitative and qualitative analysis of solid polymers and waxes using the constant thickness film maker. Used oil analysis can be quickly performed using the new Pearl accessory from Specac. In the packaging industry, Specular reflectance is commonly used for identification, and the diamond ATR system is particularly useful for direct analysis of hard solid samples.
For direct on line measurements in the Petrochemical Industry a large variety of immersion probes and the possibility of customizing them allow users to adapt the installation to their individual requirements. Process flow cells can be used in a by pass loop from the main process to enable on line monitoring of the process stream by UV/NIR analysers, while enabling isolation of the detection system for cleaning and calibration. Portable NIR analysers are also available for in situ monitoring of the composition of process streams at different points.
Pecsa Analytical offers a full range of FTIR & Infra red accessories, the most common analytical technique in the Packaging & Plastics fields.
Typical applications would include identification of unknown materials using simple Liquid cells or HATR in conjunction with Spectral databases, quantitative analysis of solvent and polymer blends, and quantitative and qualitative analysis of solid polymers and waxes using the constant thickness film maker.
In the packaging industry, Specular reflectance is commonly used for identification, and the diamond ATR system is particularly useful for direct analysis of hard solid samples.
UV visible spectrophotometry is widely used in the bio medical field, and Pecsa Analytical offers a wide range of micro and ultra micro cells for this type of application where sample volume is a key constraint. The Tray cell is designed to ensure accurate reproducible analysis of DNA/RNA and proteins using very small sample volumes. The quartz microplates we offer have distinct advantages over the more common plastic varieties, such resistance to high temperatures and aggressive solvents, making them quick and easy to sterilise, and a wide transmission range over the whole UV range.
Disposable UV-Transparent spectrophotometer cuvettes are an alternative to fragile, expensive quartz cuvettes for DNA, RNA, and protein analyses between 220-900nm. They eliminate the need for maintenance, cleaning, and most importantly the contamination risk associated with quartz cuvettes.
Fluorescence is a well-established technique for the characterisation of biological materials based on localisation of administered fluorophores in cell and tissue structures, and this is increasingly replacing radioactive labelling as a method of studying biological processes. Pecsa Analytical offers comprehensive range of Fluorescence cells for most applications, and special cells can be made to order.
The use of graphite tube Atomic absorption for measuring trace metal concentration in blood is well documented, and more controversial application include the use of hair samples to diagnose dietary deficiencies. This technique is a reliable indicator of long term exposure to heavy metals such as lead, in the work environment.
FTIR and IR applications to the Life science field are less common, as most biological studies are done in the presence of water, which has a strong IR absorption, which often masks the peaks of interest.
Recent advances in ATR & HATR sampling have now made it possible to use this technique for the study of organic materials suspended in water.
Established in 1990, Pecsa Analytical is a South African based supplier of scientific accessories and consumables, from such well known manufacturers as Hellma, Pike Technologies, Specac, Chemplex and Buck Scientific.