Hellma is the world’s leading manufacturer of cells and optical components for modern analysis. For 85 years, Hellma has been committed to provide the best possible quality in order to guarantee the most precise analytical results.
Precise knowledge of the properties of light, and how to make these useable for scientific analysis has been the driving force of Hellma since 1922.
Today Hellma is an industry leader wherever highly precise optics for scientific analysis are needed and in situations where technologically demanding customer requirements need to be fulfilled. From fibre-optic systems, measuring cells with highly precise channel structures or calibration standards for spectrophotometers, Hellma products can meet the need.
Exceptional skills in glass production, the innovative power of researchers and developers, as well as well-balanced company policy, have led to Hellma’s success.
Established in 1990, Pecsa Analytical is a South African based supplier of scientific accessories and consumables, from such well known manufacturers as Hellma, Pike Technologies, Specac, Chemplex and Buck Scientific.